
How To Be BOLD

"...the righteous are bold as a lion" (Prov 28:1).

Food for thought: Consider that the boldest man who ever lived was also the gentlest man who ever lived (Rev 5:5-6).

To be bold one must know and believe the following:
  1. God's love for us never changes (Jer 31:3; Heb 13:8).
  2. God is good (Ps 100:5).
  3. God is working all things for our good (Rom 8:28).
  4. God will complete his work in us (Phil 1:5).
  5. God protects his people (Gen 15:1; Ps 18:2).
  6. We are precious to God (Ps 72:14; 116:15; Isa 43:4).
  7. In God we fear no man (Prov 29:25).
  8. God is with us forever (Isa 7:14; Mt 1:23; 28:20).
Knowing and believing the above, what then could one do practically?
  1. Own your flaws and strengths. There is a difference between boldness and carelessness. Bold leaders have strong self-awareness.
  2. Keep clear priorities. Bold people know their objectives and prioritize them clearly.
  3. Speak up. Bold people are not necessarily loud or boisterous, but when they have something to say, they say so.
  4. Pair action with knowledge. Even though bold leaders are prone to action, they are rarely considered rash. They act, learn and practice due diligence as they do to any other activity.
  5. Accept the value of failure. Bold leaders understand that greater rewards stem from greater risk.
  6. Make the most of small wins. Many people sit and wait around for the "right opportunity" before they are willing to step up and take action. Sadly, sometimes that right opportunity never comes. Bold people understand that rarely is any situation perfect from the beginning.
  7. Build momentum. Bold people recognize that a single victory is not enough to sustain leadership. They work to create a series of actions that help the team gather confidence, speed, and power.
Come up with your own list that works for you:
  1. Act, begin, be bold, start, just do it. Don't procrastinate (Ps 95:7; Heb 3:15; 4:7).
  2. Be yourself. God did not create you to be someone else (Ps 139:14).
  3. Bless others (Gen 12:2). Help others. Invest in their success.
  4. Consult others. Seek many advisers (Prov 15:22; 24:6). Listen. Read. Study. Plan. Research.
  5. Don't try to please people, seek their approval. Don't fear people (Prov 29:25).
  6. Don't wait for things to be optimal or perfect. Don't try to be perfect. Take risks (Eccl 11:1-2).
  7. Don't cheat your conscience (1 Cor 4:4; 2 Cor 1:12; 1 Tim 1:5, 19). Don't compromise your scruples.
  8. Don't take life so seriously, even if it is very serious. Repent and relax (Ac 3:19).
  9. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Humbly and honestly own your mistakes and learn from them. Learn from the mistakes of others. Improve your skills (Eccl 10:10).
  10. Embrace and expect difficulties, disappointments, discouragements, opposition, obstacles, persecution (2 Tim 3:12), setbacks.
  11. Enjoy life to the full as God intends (Jn 10:10b). Have fun!
  12. Embrace the gospel. Only by knowing the Bold One who went to the cross for you will enable you to truly be bold.

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