
Why It's NOT The Nail

Since posting "It's Not About The Nail," a question was asked, "Can you give an example?" My sermon on Cain and Abel (Gen 4:1-16) explains how our "deeper" sins hide beneath our conscious awareness, causing all of us to have "blind spots."

Can you identify with any of these cute statements?
  • "I'm not a Pharisee. I can just see and feel how sinful other people are."
  • "I'm not bitter. I'm just expressing moral righteous outrage."
  • "I'm not flirtatious. I'm just friendly."
  • "I'm not a glutton. I just enjoy food."
  • "I'm not good-minded. I'm just a nice person."
  • "I'm not lazy. I'm just tired."
  • "I don't have a temper. People are just annoying."
  • "I'm not legalistic. I'm just faithful."
  • "I'm not critical. I'm just astute."
  • "I'm not greedy for money. I just like seeing things grow."
  • "I don't overcharge my credit card. I just enjoy good things."
  • "I'm not a workaholic. I'm just productive."
  • "I'm not ruthless. I just have sharp business sense."
  • "I'm not stingy. I'm just prudent."

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