Judges is downright disturbing and depressing to read and reflect. It is about despicable people doing deplorable things. Even the "heroes" (judges) are flawed increasingly throughout Judges, doing many appalling things. It is a dismal story...that points to and finds resolution only in the Gospel. In "Judges For You," Tim Keller identifies 6 main themes.
This post addresses elements--both good (initially) and bad (eventually and progressively)--in the story of Gideon (Judg 6:1-8:35), a "hero"/judge who starts out extremely well with the grace of God, but who then gets worse and ends horribly by displaying the overweening pride and arrogance of spectacular success.
- When oppressed "the Israelites cried out to the Lord" (Judg 6:6). Do you "cry out"? Is this real repentance (Ps 51:4)? How did God respond to their desperate cries (Judg 6:7-10)? Why?
- Contrast "regret" with "repentance" (2 Cor 7:10). What is regret all about? Are you regretful but not repentant?
- Does God extend grace to us before or after repentance (Judg 6:10 cf. Judg 6:11ff; Rom 5:8)? How does the knowledge of grace motivate you to listen and repent?
Gideon: Triumph in Weakness (Judg 7:2); Judg 7:1-25
- God reduced Gideon's army from 32,000 to 300--a 99% reduction (Judg 7:1-8). Why (Judg 7:2)? Has God weakened you so that you see more clearly that he is the one who saves? Have you experienced God working through your weakness (2 Cor 12:9)?
- In what ways are you being challenged to step out in faith, finding God's strength and reassurance as you do so (Judg 7:9-14)?
- What gifts has God given you to serve him with (Judg 7:15-23)? What circumstances has he given you in which to use those gifts?
Gideon: Danger/Degeneration in Success (Judg 8:27); Judg 8:1-35
- What happened as a result of Gideon's success and victory (Judg 8:1-35 [7-9, 16-17, 24, 27)? How could Gideon refuse to become king (Judg 8:22-23), and then act like one (Judg 8:24-27, 30-31)? Are there aspects of your life/work/ministry you think you should get more recognition and honor for?
- How does the servant-heartedness of our Savior liberate you from seeing ministry as self-salvation (Mk 10:45; Lk 4:5-8)?
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