
Weep and Wail for the Proud (Isaiah 15-16)

God's Plan for Proud Moab (ch.15-16) [Gary Smith]
  1. A lament over the ruin of Moab (15:1-9).
    • Laments over the ruined northern Moabite cities (1b-4).
    • Laments over fugities who flee south (5-7).
    • The inevitability of Moab's dire situation (8-9).
  2. A Moabite request for shelter in Judah (16:1-5).
  3. A lament: pride will cause the devastation of Moab (16:6-12).
    • Moab is proud (6).
    • Moab will wail, its field ruined (7-8).
    • Prophet laments; there is no joy in Moab (9-10).
    • Prophet weeps; Moab's prayer is useless (11-12).
  4. An announcement: Moab's end within three years (16:13-14).

Moab: Salvation Refused by Pride (ch.15-16) [J. Alec Motyer]
  1. Moab's crisis (15:1).
  2. Moab's grief (15:2-4).
  3. The Lord's grief over Moab (15:5-9).
  4. Moab's plea (16:1-4a).
  5. Isaiah's answer (16:4b-5).
  6. Moab's grief explained (16:6-8).
  7. The Lord's grief over Moab (16:9-12).
  8. Moab's imminent ruin (16:13-14).
Concerning Moab [Barry Webb]
  1. The lament (15:1-9).
  2. The appeal (16:1-5).
  3. The reflection (16:6-11).
  4. Summary and appendix (16:12-14).
Moab [Derek Kidner, New Bible Commentary]
  1. Defeat and flight (15:1-9).
  2. Moab can look to Zion (16:1-5).
  3. Moab's pride and fall (16:6-14).

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