
The Desire to Control God and People (Acts 8:1-25)

  1. Given the history between the Jews and Samaritans (Jn 4:9; Lk 9:52-54), what was remarkable about Philip's preaching and the response (Ac 8:5-8)? What opened the door to his ministry (Ac 8:1-4; 2 Tim 3:12)? Has God used seemingly negative circumstances in your life to advance the gospel?
  2. Though Philip [and Stephen] were chosen to serve tables (Ac 6:5) how and why do you think they got into evangelism?
  3. What aspect of Philip's activity likely captivated Simon (Ac 8:6-8, 13)? What changed Simon the sorcerer (Ac 8:9-12)? Was he "converted" (Ac 8:13)?
  4. What happened when the apostles baptized the Samaritan believers (Ac 8:14-17)? What happens when one receives the Holy Spirit (Ac 2:4; Jn 15:26; 16:8-11, 13; Gal 5:22-23)?  What did Simon see that caused him to be even more intensely interested (Ac 8:18; 2:4; 10:44-46)? What is he really after (Jn 12:43; Gen 3:5; Rom 1:21)? 
  5. Why did Peter rebuke Simon so strongly (Ac 8:20-23)? What was Simon's problem (Ac 8:23; Dt 29:18; Heb 12:15)? Is Peter's rebuke applicable to us? How might we be tempted to use God to get what we want? How do we guard against this?
  6. What influence does the Holy Spirit have over you? How can you be sure (Prov 1:7; 9:10)?

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