
Judgment (Isaiah 34) and Salvation (Isaiah 35)

The theme of Isaiah 34 is the final overthrow of the world in all its hostility to God's rule. [Judgment: Listen, Look into the Scroll (34:1-17).] Isaiah 35 paints a glorious picture of the final pilgrimage of the Lord's people to their eternal and blissful destination in Zion. [Salvation: A Highway Will Be There for the Redeemed (35:1-10).]
  1. Judgment: Listen, Look into the Scroll (Isaiah 34).
  2. Salvation: A Highway for the Redeemed (Isaiah 35).
Trusting God to Ruin the Nations and Transform Zion (Isaiah 34-35) [Gary Smith]
  1. God's Wrath against the Nations (34:1-17)
    1. Learn that God will judge the nations (1-15).
      1. Judgment on heaven and earth (1-4).
      2. The sword against "Edom" (5-7).
      3. The devastated land (8-15).
    2. Learn that God's plan will happen (16-17).
  2. God's Glory Transforming Zion (35:1-10). Ultimate realities: pilgrims to Zion.
    1. God's transformation of nature (1-2): New world, a promise to the pilgrims.
    2. God's transformation of the weak and blind (3-6a): New life, salvation for the pilgrims.
    3. God's transformed people will return (6b-10): New highway, homecoming for pilgrims.
The Final Overthrow (Isaiah 34-35) [Alec Motyer]
  1. Final divine judgment (34:1-15).
  2. The Lord's sure plan: a final summons (34:16-17).
  3. A transformed world (35:1-2).
  4. Fortitude: the Lord is coming (35:3-4).
  5. Salvation and renewal (35:5-7).
  6. The highway and the homecoming (35:8-10).
[Barry Webb, Isaiah]
  1. Final Judgment (Isaiah 34).
  2. Final Salvation: The Joy of the Redeemed (Isaiah 35)
[Derek Kidner, New Bible Commentary]
  1. The Universal Judgment (Isaiah 34).
  2. The Flowering Wilderness (Isaiah 35).
The Summary of Judgment and Blessing [The Moody Bible Commentary]
  1. The power of the Gentiles will be broken (Isaiah 34).
  2. The redeemed will see the kingdom of God (Isaiah 35).

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