
ABCs of Practical Christian Living: Review and Overview

"...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you..." (Phil 2:12-13).
  1. Accountability: Who are you accountable for (Gal 6:1)? To (Heb 3:13)?
  2. Beauty: Are you enraptured by the beauty of Christ (Ps 27:4)? Or by a sense of duty?
  3. Community: Do you sense the unity of Christian community (Ps 133:1)? Or the pressure of a wish dream?
  4. Delight: Are you happy? How do you find delight (Ps 37:4)?
  5. Experience: Do you taste the goodness of God (Ps 34:8; 1 Pet 2:3)? Or is it just head knowledge?
  6. Father: Do you know your father and your Father's love for you (Ps 103:13)?
  7. Freedom: Is your Christian life one of liberation and freedom (Gal 5:1; Jn 8:36)? Or is it with a sense of monotony, drudgery or slavery?
  8. Friendship: Do you have true friends who stab you in the front (Prov 27:5-6)? Someone you can trust from your heart (Prov 17:7; 18:24)?
  9. Forgetfulness: Are you self-forgetful (1 Cor 4:3-4)? Or are you easily hurt and offended by others?
  10. HHHOT: Are you happy, honest (Eph 4:15), humble (Mt 5:3), open and transparent (Jn 15:15)?
  11. Gentleness: Are you strong enough to be gentle with others (Phil 4:5)? Do you think gentleness works (Mt 11:29; Prov 25:15)?

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