Though this is a rather broad generalization, so-called "conservative" churches incline toward evangelism, while so-called "liberal" churches incline toward social action. Churches that emphasize preaching and the importance of Scripture and the Bible (generally traditional conservative churches) incline toward evangelism, while churches that emphasize living out one's faith (generally emergent or liberal churches) incline toward social action. Thus, there tends to be discipleship churches and activist churches. Yet, as Tucker repeatedly points out--using history and exegesis of various biblical texts--the church should be doing both.
Salt, Light and Cities on Hills (Book Review)
Though this is a rather broad generalization, so-called "conservative" churches incline toward evangelism, while so-called "liberal" churches incline toward social action. Churches that emphasize preaching and the importance of Scripture and the Bible (generally traditional conservative churches) incline toward evangelism, while churches that emphasize living out one's faith (generally emergent or liberal churches) incline toward social action. Thus, there tends to be discipleship churches and activist churches. Yet, as Tucker repeatedly points out--using history and exegesis of various biblical texts--the church should be doing both.
Slandered, Opposed and Attacked (Psalm 7)
"The Lord judges the peoples; vindicate me, Lord, according to my righteousness and my integrity" (Ps 7:8, HCSB).
- A Cry for Justice (Ps 7:8-10). [Derek Kidner]
- The Blessing of a Good Conscience (Ps 7:3-5, 9-10). [Alec Motyer]
- Surviving Slander (Ps 7:1-2, 6, 14; 4:2; 5:6, 9). [George Zemek]
Conscience. Despite being slandered, opposed and attacked, David checked his conscience before God (Ps 7:3-5), instead of retaliating with the spirit of vengeance and revenge.
Only Ending the Old Way Produces a New Way
Yearning for a new way will not produce it. Only ending the old way can do that.
You cannot hold onto the old all the while declaring that you want something new.
The old will defy the new; the old will deny the new; the old will decry the new.
There is only one way to bring in the new. You must make room for it.
The Deceptiveness of Sacrifice
Barely Able To Pray (Psalm 6)
"Have compassion on me, Lord, for I am weak. Heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony" (Ps 6:2, NLT). " whole being is shaken with terror" (Ps 6:3a, HCSB). " soul is in deep anguish" (Ps 6:3a, NIV).
- Crying in Helplessness.
- Praying in Weakness.
- Grieving Prayer.
- Agonizing Prayer.
- A Troubled Conscience.
- Feeling Helpless and Hopeless.
- Shaken by Weakness.
- Broken and Shaken.
- Overwhelmed, Yet Triumphant.
- From Defeat to Defiance.
- From Desperate Need to Great Assurance.
- From Depression to Elation.
Joy Among Liars (Psalm 5)
"But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy" (Ps 5:11, NLT).
Cry out to God in your distress. Psalm 5 is a lament and a prayer petitioning the Lord in the midst of distress. Why was the psalmist distressed? The psalmist's distress is caused by liars and deceitful speech. However, the psalmist also expresses trust and finding refuge in the Lord's protection.
Peace Amidst Discouragment (Psalm 4)
"You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine. In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe" (Ps 4:7-8, NLT).
- The Happy (Ps 1:2): A happy person knows how to live and what to think about (Ps 1:1-2).
- The Sovereign (Ps 2:6): The sovereign God rules despite the constant opposition from the rulers of the world (Ps 2:1-3).
- The Confident (Ps 3:6): People who pray are confident and fearless, even when the odds are heavily stacked against them.
Fearless Before Many Adversaries (Psalm 3)
"I am not afraid of the thousands of people who have taken their stand against me on every side" (Ps 3:6, HCSB).
- Do you feel confident when the odds are stacked against you?
- Do you live with no fear or anxiety in your heart when you are uncertain about your future?
- Can you sleep peacefully when there are troubles all about you?
Despondency: What he knows
Complaint: Many enemies
Dependency: What he does
Confession: God is my shield
Deliverance: What he experiences
Consolation: Sleep & confidence
God's King Rules (Psalm 2)
"I have installed my king..." (Ps 2:6, NIV). For the Lord declares, "I have placed my chosen king on the throne...." (Ps 2:6, NLT).
The Secret of Happiness (Psalm 1)
"Instead, his delight is in the Lord's instruction, and he meditates on it day and night" (Ps 1:2, HCSB). "But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night" (Ps 1:2, NLT).
A theme for each year. Happy New Year. At the end of 2014 I reviewed our six year story at West Loop, 2008-2014. Over the last few years, I chose a yearly theme for West Loop: gospel, grace, sanctification, the whole council of God, remembrance. For 2015 the theme is faith: "The righteous by faith will live" (Rom 1:17c). We do not become righteous by living by faith, but because we are righteous by faith in what Jesus has done for us, we live confidently with our heads held high.
Gospel Blessedness (Romans 5:1-11)
- Peace with God (1).
- Standing in grace (2a).
- Rejoice in hope (2b).
- Rejoice in suffering (3-8).
- Saved through Christ (9-10).
- Rejoice in God (11).
Dualistic Thinking
Martin Luther and Pope Francis' Articulation of the Gospel, the Kerygma
"The law is divine and holy. Let the law have his glory, but yet no law, be it never so divine and holy, ought to teach me that I am justified, and shall live through it. I grant it may teach me that I ought to love God and my neighbour; also to live in chastity, soberness, patience, etc., but it ought not to show me, how I should be delivered from sin, the devil, death, and hell.
Here I must take counsel of the gospel. I must hearken to the gospel, which teacheth me, not what I ought to do, (for that is the proper office of the law,) but what Jesus Christ the Son of God hath done for me : to wit, that He suffered and died to deliver me from sin and death. The gospel willeth me to receive this, and to believe it. And this is the truth of the gospel. It is also the principal article of all Christian doctrine, wherein the knowledge of all godliness consisteth.
Most necessary it is, therefore, that we should know this article well, teach it unto others, and beat it into their heads continually."–Martin Luther, St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians.
Invitation to James: Persevering through Trials to Win the Crown (Review)
Invitation to James: Persevering through Trials to Win the Crown, Biblical Preaching for the Contemporary Church (Wooster, OH: Weaver, 2014), Donald R. Sunukjian.
A free PDF can be excerpted here.I received a free copy of this book from Cross Focused Reviews on behalf of Weaver Book Company.
- A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (James 1:1–4)
- Knowing What’s Going On (James 1:5–12
- Keeping the Trial from Becoming a Temptation (James 1:13–21)
- The Mirror (James 1:22–27)
- Impartial Love (James 2:1–13)
- Living, Loving, Lasting Faith (James 2:14–26)
- Tongue in Check (James 3:1–12)
- Wise or Otherwise (James 3:13–18)
- He Gives More Grace (James 4:1–6)
- Not Thy Will but Mine Be Done (James 4:7–12)
- Don’t Leave Home without It (James 4:13–17)
- Money Talks (James 5:1–6)
- The Moment of the Lord’s Mercy (James 5:7–12)
- The Prayer of Faith (James 5:13–20)
Gospel Credit (Rom 4:1-25)
- Not by works (1-8).
- Not by circumcision (9-12).
- Not by law (13-17).
- By faith (18-22).
- For us (23-25).
- A gift (1-8): Abraham was given, "credited," righteousness, so salvation is a gift, not earned. (How Abraham was saved.)
- For all (9-17): Abraham's righteousness came before circumcision and the law, so salvation is for all, not some. (When Abraham was saved.)
- For us (18-25): Abraham's faith is a case study for us, so we can truly be his "children." (Why Abraham was saved.)
- To say that faith is credited as righteousness means that faith in itself is not righteousness. Faith could not be an active accomplishment of good deeds. Faith is therefore something that is receptive. Faith is not a "work" that merits anything.
- If faith = obedience, then salvation is not a gift. And if it is not a gift, God would be obligated to save us (Rom 2:4). This runs counter to the whole tenor of the Bible.
- If faith = obedience, then we who are saved would be able to boast before God and others, for we are the real authors of our salvation. But that is antithetical to the spirit and character of the great patriarch Abraham (Rom 4:1). Paul argues in Rom 4:2. that if Abraham was justified by works, then he had something to boast about. But Paul expresses the impossibility of such a conclusion — but not before God! In other words, the clear falsity of the conclusion shows that the premise (that Abraham was justified by works) is wrong.
- If faith = obedience, then the actual object of faith is you yourself and your abilities. It leads to boasting and pride (or to despair and self-hatred). But if faith = trust God's promise to save, then the actual object of faith is God and his ability. That leads to humility and confidence.
- A saved person does not work (Rom 4:5a). This cannot mean that a saved person does not obey the law (Rom 3:31; 6:1-2). It must therefore mean that the saved person no longer trusts in obedience as a way to be saved. A Christian is one who stops working to be saved, not one who stops working!
- A saved person trusts God who justifies the wicked (Rom 4:5b). This means a Christian is one who trusts in God as having a way to save apart from our efforts and our obedience to the law.
- Why Works Won't Work (Rom 3:27-4:12). Keith Krell.
- Study Guide for_Romans_4. David Guzik.
- Bible Study Questions on Romans. David E. Pratte.
- How does Paul's illustration of Abraham in chapter 4 follow chapter 3? Why do you think Paul chose Abraham as the prime illustration of justification by faith and not by works (Rom 4:1-5)?
- The word λογίζομαι (logizomai) is repeated 14 times in 11 verses in Romans 4 (Rom 4:3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 22, 23, 24). What does this teach about justification, righteousness and salvation? Explain how Abraham's righteousness is due to faith alone and not works (Rom 4:1-5).
- Was Abraham saved by believing in God (Rom 4:3)? Is this a general belief in a God that saves us? Why? Why not?
- What does Paul mean by saying a Christian is "one who does not work" (Rom 4:5; 3:28)? Does it mean to not obey the law (Rom 3:31; 6:1-2)? How does Paul's definition of faith differ from that of so many churchgoers and religious people?
- If you were to die tonight and go before God, and he were to say to you, "'Why should I let you into my heaven?' what would you say?"
- What do you think are the general requirements for admission into heaven? Who gets in and who doesn't?"
- Is how God dealing with sin in Rom 4:6-8 different from Rom 4:1-5? How is "God who justifies the wicked" (Rom 4:5) supported by David (Rom 4:6-8; Ps 32:1-2). Explain again "God credits righteousness apart from works." (Rom 4:6).
- How does Paul make his case in Rom 4:9-17 that salvation is not just for Jews, but for all?
- How Abraham (Rom 4:18-25) illustrate the difference between believing in God, and believing God (Rom 4:3)? How can his example help you strengthen your faith (Rom 4:19-20)?
Gospel Apart From Law (Rom 3:27-31)
"So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law" (Rom 3:28, NLT). "For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law" (Rom 3:28, NIV).
- "works of the law" (Rom 3:28),
- "works" (Rom 4:1-8),
- circumcision (Rom 4:1-9),
- the law (Rom 4:13-16), and
- "sight" (Rom 4:17-22).
- Where is boasting (27-28)?
- Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too (29-30)?
- Do we nullify the law by this faith (31)?
- The gospel removes pride from our national, cultural and religious superiority.
- The gospel promotes unity by removing racial distinctions and elitism.
- The gospel upholds, fulfills and establishes the law, not nullify or cancel it.
- What causes boasting (Phil 3:3)? With what results (1 Cor 1:12; 3:4; Gal 5:15)? What excludes boasting (Rom 3:27)? What could Paul boast about (Phil 3:4-6)? Why didn't he (Phil 3:7-8)? What did he boast about (Gal 6:14)?
- What does it mean that justification is by faith apart from the works of the law (Rom 3:28; 4:5)?
- Why is God the God of both Jews and Gentiles (Rom 3:29-30)?
- How does justification by faith uphold the law (Rom 3:21)? How does this refute the charge of antinomianism (Rom 6:1-2, 15)?
Persuasive Preaching
- Issues Facing Persuasive Preaching.
- Biblical Basis of Persuasive Preaching.
- Structuring Persuasive Messages.
- Pertinent Applications in Persuasive Preaching.
Preaching By Ear
I love this book! I highly recommend it to anyone who teaches or preaches.
As one who began preaching with some regularity only a few years ago I realized rather soon that preparing and writing out a sermon during one's private study in a room is quite different from preaching the sermon before a live audience. The written sermon should be primarily for reading and study, while the preached sermon is for the listening audience, which is live. The author, Dave McClellen, explained this important difference by exploring the art and science of orality from the ancient masters Augustine, Plato, Aristotle and Quintilian. McClellan also explained Preaching by Ear in two introductory videos on youtube: Preach By Ear - What's the problem (2 min) and Preach By Ear - Beginnings (5 min).
Theme of Romans: Gospel, Righteousness, Grace
- Theology (1-8): The gospel reveals the righteousness of God.
- History (9-11): First for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
- Application (12-16): The righteous by faith will live.
- The heart of the gospel (1-4): What the gospel is.
- The assurance of the gospel (5-8): What the gospel does.
- The spread of the gospel (9-11): Jew first, Gentile next is how the gospel grows.
- The transformation of the gospel (12-16): How the gospel works.
The Christmas Promise
The book also explains how God promised to provide a king, a new king, and a rescuing king, and a forever king, who was confirmed by God's special messengers. By following the messengers' instructions, their words always came true. As in Matthew's Gospel, men who followed a bright star on a long journey saw how the message was true. God indeed keeps His promises. We can always trust God, even today. Many pages were illustrated with sketches of kings, both old and modern from around the world: Chinese, English, a Pharaoh, a modern president. Kings have authority and leadership so that this newly born king is someone we can trust and follow without fear.
7 Objections About Christianity
- There can't be just one true religion
- A good God could not allow suffering
- Christianity is a straitjacket
- The church is responsible for so much injustice
- A loving God would not send people to hell
- Science has disproved Christianity
- You can't take the Bible literally
In the second half of the book, titled "The Reasons for Faith," Keller gives seven reasons to believe in the claims of the Christian faith.
- The clues of God
- The knowledge of God
- The problem of sin
- Religion and the gospel
- The (true) story of the cross
- The reality of the resurrection
- The Dance of God
100 Pianos Tuned to the Same Fork
Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow.
So one hundred worshippers meeting together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be were they to become "unity" conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship.
Social religion is perfected when private religion is purified. The body becomes stronger as its members become healthier. The whole Church of God gains...
Faith by AW Tozer, The Pursuit of God
Take One Year to Study Romans
Why study Romans. Should we take up to one year to study Romans slowly and prayerfully and with some depth and detail?
- Martin Luther called Romans "really the chief part of the NT, and ...truly the purest gospel. It is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but also that he should occupy himself with it every day, as the daily bread of the soul."
- John Stott says, "(Romans) is the fullest and grandest statement of the gospel in the NT...a timeless manifesto of freedom through Jesus Christ."
- John Piper regards Romans as "the greatest letter ever written."
- Ray Stedman calls Romans "the master key to Scripture." "If you had no other book of the Bible than this, you would find every Christian teaching at least mentioned here. If you really grasp the book of Romans in its total argument you will find yourself at home in any other part of the Scriptures."
- Douglas Moo, NT scholar, says, "Romans is Paul's summary of the gospel that he preaches. The theme of the letter is the gospel."
- Countless people have been changed (and changed the world) through Romans: Augustine (386), Martin Luther (1515), John Wesley (1703-91).
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached on Romans for 13 years and John Piper preached through Romans in 8 years.
Absence of Trust Vs. Trusting Teams
Members of Teams with an Absence of Trust:
- Conceal their weaknesses and mistakes from one another
- Hesitate to ask for help or provide constructive feedback
- Hesitate to offer help outside their own areas of responsibility
- Jump to conclusions about the intentions and aptitudes of others without attempting to clarify them
- Fail to recognize and tap into one another's skills and experiences
- Waste time and energy managing their behaviors for effect
- Hold grudges
- Dread meetings and find reasons to avoid spending time together
Members of Trusting Teams:
- Admit weaknesses and mistakes
- Ask for help
- Accept questions and input about their areas of responsibility
- Give one another the benefit of the doubt before arriving at a negative conclusion
- Take risks in offering feedback and assistance
- Appreciate and tap into one another's skills and experiences
- Focus time and energy on important issues, not politics
- Offer and accept apologies without hesitation
- Look forward to meetings and other oppourtunities to work as a group
Dysfunction #1: Absence of Trust
The fear of being vulnerable with team members prevents the building of trust within the team.Dysfunction #2: Fear of Conflict
The desire to preserve artificial harmony stifles the occurrence of productive ideological conflict.Dysfunction #3: Lack of Commitment
The lack of clarity or buy-in prevents team members from making decisions they will stick to.Dysfunction #4: Avoidance of Accountability
The need to avoid interpersonal discomfort prevents team members from holding one another accountable.Dysfunction #5: Inattention to Results
The pursuit of individual goals and personal status erodes the focus on collective success.
Characteristics of High Performing Teams
Teams willing to address the five dysfunctions can experience the following benefits. High performing, cohesive teams:
- Are comfortable asking for help, admitting mistakes and limitations and take risks offering feedback
- Tap into one another's skills and experiences
- Avoid wasting time talking about the wrong issues and revisiting the same topics over and over again because of lack of buy-in
- Make higher quality decisions and accomplish more in less time and fewer resources
- Put critical topics on the table and have lively meetings
- Align the team around common objectives
- Retain star employees
- Do team members openly and readily disclose their opinions?
- Are team meetings compelling and productive?
- Does the team come to decisions quickly and avoid getting bogged down by consensus?
- Do team members confront one another about their shortcomings?
- Do team members sacrifice their own interests for the good of the team?
Dysfunction #1: Absence of Trust
Dysfunction #2: Fear of Conflict
Dysfunction #3: Lack of Commitment
Dysfunction #4: Avoidance of Accountability
Dysfunction #5: Inattention to Results
The Rewards
James The Just
A Jewish book. Written by Dr. David Friedman (Jewish Rabbi, scholar, former Academic Dean and Professor of Jewish Studies at King of Kings College in Jerusalem, Israel; currently lectures internationally on biblical topics), James The Just presents the view from a Messianic perspective by focusing on the Jewish aspects of this practical NT book. The author states that this is not a verse-by-verse exegetical commentary. He encourages us to put on our Jewish glasses (if we are not Jewish), and to read the NT as a Jewish book, which is the context in which James was written.
- a chief rabbi.
- a Torah scholar.
- a Bible commentator.
- akin to a high court judge.
It was a collection of a particular rabbi's sayings and teachings (a Yalkut, in Hebrew, is a collection of highlighted teachings by a rabbi, often collected by his students). The main emphases of the yalkut are:
- practical Torah
- practical encouragement on how to live
- not philosophical, but concrete: instructional guides on how to live according to Torah
- most misunderstood point: "fiath & works," Ya'akov's point: keeping the instructions of the Torah is proof that one has strong faith in God and in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).
- The proper use of speech (in rabbinic literature, it is the laws of improper speech, speaking behind someone's back, smearing another and slander).
- Proper business practices.
- Contractual oaths.
- The showing of favoritism in legal matters.
- The value of being humble.
- Society's obligation to widows and orphans.
- The royal law of the Torah.
His words were written down by a scribe or by his students, for distribution into the Diaspora as instrumental guides for communities. His "book" may have been distributed and studied as commentary to Leviticus 19-22 in early Messianic Jewish communities in the Diaspora.
Though James is written in Greek, the letter of James is a uniquely Messianic Jewish view based on thoroughly Torah-based concepts that are from the five books of Moses. It is Jewish in:
- Subject matter.
- Tone.
- Emphasis.
- It's main expressed points.
As expressed in Jas 1:22-25, "...the most important matter is not study (of the Torah), but the practice" (Shimon, son of Paul's teacher, Gamliel). The first century Jewish world, both Jews and Messianic Jews, views "works" as the performance of the biblical commandments as stemming from one's faith in God, and never in opposition to it. In Jewish thought, the purpose of fulfilling the biblical commandments was never to earn entrance into the world to come, which may be a misconception of many today.
Romans 3:21-26
- Why does Martyn Lloyd-Jones exclaim that "there are no more wonderful words in the whole of Scripture than just these two words 'But now...'" (Rom 3:21a)? Notice also, "But God..." (Eph 2:4).
- "Apart from law" suggest a new era of salvation. What does the law in the old era expose about man's spiritual state (Rom 1:18-20; 2:1, 4-5, 23-24; 3:9, 19-20)? How does "the Law and the Prophets testify" to "the righteousness of God" (Rom 4:1-8; Gen 15:6; Ps 32:1-2)?
- What is being referred to by the phrase "has been made known" (Rom 3:21-22)? What event helps us to know "the righteousness of God" (Lk 23:47)?
- "Righteousness" is having a "right relationship with God." However, John Stott explains "the righteousness of God" (21-22, 25-26; 1:17; Phil 3:9) in three ways as:
- An attribute of God: This is a quality--who God is.
- An activity of God: This is an action--what God does. (N.T. Wright.)
- An achievement of God: This is a gift--what God bestows, confers and accomplishes. (Reformed.)
- Can you explain each phrase? Can the righteousness of God mean all three?
- How does one come to know the righteousness of God (Rom 3:22a, 25a)?
- How does Rom 3:22b-23 summarize a main theme in chapters 1-3?
- Explain how we are "justified freely by his grace" (Rom 3:24a). What is redemption (Rom 3:24b)?
- Explain "God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood" (Rom3:25a)?
- What sins did God pass over that were previously committed (Rom 3:25b)? How can God be just and still justify those who sin (Rom 3:25b-26)?
Justification and the Righteousness of God (Romans 3:21-26)
Rom 3:21-26 is loaded with key theological terms, and the phrase "the righteousness of God" stands out. This is a great text where Paul brings together so much, which is central to his presentation of the gospel. This passage has almost unparalleled power, not so much in its individual elements but the fact that Paul brings so many things and key ideas together: Our standing before God, how God secured that through Christ on our behalf, the importance of faith, what God did on the cross. (Douglas Moo — The Epistle to the Romans, NICNT, 1996. 3:21-23 17 min; 3:24-26 27 min.)
- The noun "righteousness" {δικαιοσύνη (dikaiosynē)} occurs 4 times (Rom 3:21, 22, 25, 26).
- The verb "justify" {δικαιόω (dikaioō)} occurs 2 times (Rom 3:24, 26).
- The adjective "just" {δίκαιος (dikaios)} occur once (Rom 3:26).
Top 10 Tips for Clearer Preaching
- (Prepare a lot, share a little.) The more you say, the less people will remember. . . . "Sermons are improved by shortening."
- (Have mainly 1 thing to say, not many things.) Make the 'big idea' shape everything you say. . . . That's one of the best reasons to preach from a full script—you get to edit before you speak. . . . [From p. 64: "[I]t's easier for your listeners to catch a baseball than a handful of sand."]
- Choose the shortest, most ordinary words you can. . . . The more complex your subject, the more helpful it is to describe it in ordinary words. . . .
- (Sound normal, like yourself.) Use shorter sentences. . . . This isn't about 'dumbing down' your content. It's about communicating complex content clearly. (But keep in mind that alliteration is no longer considered tasteful.) More importantly, it's about sounding like a normal, conversational you.
- (Speak informally and extemporaneously.) Forget everything your English teacher taught you. . . . [I]f you're scripting a sermon you should expect it to read badly. It should break almost all the norms of good written expression and follow the rules of informal speech instead.
- (Avoid TMI.) Am I repeating myself? . . . [A]s you're introducing a new idea, it's incredibly helpful to restate the first sentence three times, rephrasing it each time but adding no new information. . . . Avoid giving too much information and learn the difference between the pace of your speech (in 'words per minute') and the pace of information (in 'ideas per minute').
- Translate narratives into the present tense. . . . [This] makes a story seem real and immediate—it's just like being there.
- (Share what's simple.) The six-million-dollar secret of illustrating. . . . Don't sweat over illustrating the complicated stuff—just illustrate the obvious! . . . Illustrate the obvious, and the complex ideas will take care of themselves, because your listeners will be fresh and focused enough to stay with you.
- (Share stories.) People love to hear about people. . . . The journalist's rule is this: if there are no people, there's no story.
- (Explain before quoting a key verse or text.) Work towards your key text. . . . When you're quoting a verse, help out the listener by setting it up before you read it, rather than after.
Most natural communicators—whether scripted or not—tend to do most of these things by instinct.
Gary Millar and Phil Campbell, Saving Eutychus: How to Preach God's Word and Keep People Awake

Top 10 Tips for Being Clearer.
Gospel Diagnosis (Rom 3:1-20)
- God did not help his people (Rom 3:1-2).
- God is not faithful to his people (Rom 3:3-4).
- God is not fair or just (Rom 3:5-6).
- God does not mind sin because sin increases God's glory (Rom 3:7-8).
- Our legal standing (Rom 3:10).
- Our minds (Rom 3:11a).
- Our motives (Rom 3:11b).
- Our wills (Rom 3:12).
- Our tongues (Rom 3:13-14).
- Our relationship with others (Rom 3:15-17).
- Our relationship with God (Rom 3:18).
Romans 1:18-3:20 (Douglas Moo)
- Rom 1:18-19: All People.
- Rom 1:20-32: People Apart from Special Revelation.
- Rom 2:1-16: People Who Rely on their Birthright.
- Rom 2:17-3:8: The Jews.
- The Principle: " is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous" (Rom 2:13).
- The Problem: "...Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin" (Rom 3:9).
- The Prospect: " one will be declared righteous in God's sight by the works of the law" (Rom 3:20).
Romans 2:6-3:20 (Douglas Moo's translation)
Gospel Impartiality (Rom 2:6-29)
Based on Rom 1:16-17, Romans may be summarized as:
- Romans 1-8: The gospel, the righteousness of God.
- Romans 9-11: First to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
- Romans 12-16: The righteous life.
Thus, in Rom 2:1ff, Paul shows the Jews (and religious people) that they were missing the whole point of the gospel! The heart of the gospel is that "the righteousness of God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last" (Rom 1:17). Everyone runs from it and tries to avoid it. We run from it whenever we rely on anything or anyone else but Jesus and his perfect, finished work. The pagans rely on their appetites, which become chains around their neck (Rom 1:18-32), but the religious people rely on religion and moral observance, which stores up God's wrath just as much (Rom 2:5). The pagans worship self through appetite, but the religious worship self through morality and religion. There are obvious (being immoral) and not obvious ways (being moral) to rely on (i.e. worship and serve — Rom 1:25) the creature rather than the Creator.
If you are a moral person who is satisfied with your spiritual state, you are denying the doctrine of righteousness through faith only. If you do not feel like a hopeless sinner, if you do not feel that God would have a perfect right to cast you off this minute because of the condition of your life and heart, then you are denying the gospel, and when it is open to you it won't change you or lift you up. You don't get it.
Christian (and other) Righteousness
The difference between Christian righteousness and all other kinds of righteousness.
- There is a political or civil righteousness. This is what world leaders, diplomats, civic leaders and lawyers must teach.
- There is a "social" righteousness, which is acting, speaking, dressing, and carrying oneself correctly according to the traditions and mores of a particular culture or vocation or field. This is what parents and families and schools teach.
- There is moral righteousness, "the righteousness of law" that comes from obeying the Ten Commandments. This the church teaches (but only in light of the "Christian" righteousness, below).
- The righteousness that comes from relationships — becoming attractive and loved by people of both sexes.
- The righteousness that comes from career achievement — becoming successful or respected or monied through your talent and work.]
Gospel Righteousness
- Gospel of Grace (Rom 1:1-6).
- Gospel Enthusiasm (Rom 1:7-15).
- Gospel Power (Rom 1:16).
- Gospel Righteousness (Rom 1:17) is next.
- An attribute of God, the righteousness that characterizes God. This righteousness may be either (a) God's justice (Rom 3:5, 25-26), according to which he always does what is right, or (b) God's faithfulness, according to which he fulfills his covenant promises to his people.
- A status or position that God bestows on those who believe. It is therefore a righteousness that comes from God. Martin Luther gave eloquent expression to this view in the 16th century. Luther concluded that the righteousness of God that is revealed in the gospel is a gift of God given to sinners through faith. This righteousness is purely forensic or legal. It is a matter of our judicial standing before God, not our internal or moral transformation. Thus, Luther's view is that Paul refers here to the righteous status that comes from God in the gospel through faith.
- An activity of God. The righteousness of God is God's action of intervening on behalf of his people to save and deliver them. This idea has strong support from the OT (Isa 46:13; 50:5-8; Mic 7:9).
Faith is NOT a Work that Possesses Merit or Worth
How to Experience the Power of God
- The love of God must be real to you (1 Cor 13:13).
- The grace of Jesus is fresh and new in your soul (2 Tim 2:1).
- The Holy Spirit is leading you (Ac 16:6-10).
- Your friendships and relationships are Trinitarian: All of Paul's 13 letters are HOT (honest, humble, happy, open, transparent).
- Have a clear life goal and purpose (Phil 3:14). Know what God called and set you apart for (Rom 1:1).
- Do something beyond yourself. Paul was praying to go to Rome though he had no way to go there (Rom 1:10, 13).