Do Not Understand and Perceive the Truth (Isaiah 6:9-10)
Rather random rambling ruminating reflections from Isaiah 6 commentaries
Holiness is the Lord's hidden glory; glory is the Lord's visible (omnipresent) holiness.
Glory is the shining out of who God is -- he is holiness. Holiness is part of the inner distinctiveness of God that is revealed in all his activity and his "glory" is the outward manifestation of the brightness of his majesty and holiness.
The Call (Isaiah 6): Woe to Me! Send Me!
- Have you heard "the call"?
- Have you "seen" God? Have you seen the Lord? Do you really want to see God?
- Have you felt woe? Doomed by your sins?
- Do you have a sense of what your specific calling is?
- Confronting a vision of God (1-4): Confronts a vision.
- Conviction and confession (5): Confesses his sin.
- Cleansing and consecration (6-7): Cleansed by grace.
- Calling and commissioning (8-13): Called by God.
Isaiah's Cry of Woe and Doom
In genuine conversion, in the transaction of the new birth, there ought to be that real and genuine cry of pain. There should be the terror of seeing ourselves in violent contrast to the holy, holy, holy God (Isa 6:3).
Unless we come into this place of conviction and pain, I am not sure how deep or real our repentance or regeneration is.
Isaiah 6 is strategically located between 1-5 and 7-12
The Heart of Mission
There has been a long tradition which sees the mission of the Church primarily as obedience to a command. It has been customary to speak of "the missionary mandate." This way of putting the matter is certainly not without justification, and yet it seems to me that it misses the point. It tends to make mission a burden rather than a joy, to make it part of the law rather than part of the gospel.
If one looks at the NT evidence one gets another impression. Mission begins with a kind of explosion of joy. The news that the rejected and crucified Jesus is alive is something that cannot possibly be suppressed. It must be told. Who could be silent about such a fact?
The mission of the Church in the pages of the NT is more like a fallout which is not lethal but life-giving. One searches in vain through the letters of St. Paul to find any suggestion that he anywhere lays it on the conscience of his reader that they ought to be active in mission. For himself it is inconceivable that he should keep silent. "Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!" (1 Cor 9:16). But nowhere do we find him telling his readers that they have a duty to do so. . . .
At the heart of mission is thanksgiving and praise. . . . When it is true to its nature, it is so to the end. Mission is an acted out doxology. That is its deepest secret. Its purpose is that God may be glorified.
(Lesslie Newbigin, The Gospel in a Pluralistic Society, [Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989], 116, 127)
Isaiah 5 Bible Study Questions
- The Song (1-7): Love and grace.
- The Woes (8-25): Laments of sorrow.
- The Judgment (26-30): Defeat and darkness.
What is God's Own Heart Like?
- A _________ / true heart (1 Sam 16:11; 17:34‒36) (cf. Mt 25:21).
- A ________ / hungry heart (Ps 63:1) (cf. Ps 42:1‒2; Mt 5:6).
- A ____________ heart (Ps 9:1‒2; 13:5) (cf. Prov 17:22).
- A __________ / fixed / immovable heart (Ps 57:7) (cf. Ps 112:6‒8; Isa 26:3‒4).
- A _________/ ___________ heart (Ps 32:3‒5; 51:17) (cf. Isa 57:15; 66:2).
- A _______ / _______ heart (Ps 24:3‒4; 51:10‒12) (cf. Mt. 5:8; I Tim 1:5).
- A _______-filled heart (I Sam 16:13‒14) (cf. Acts 15:8‒9).
- An __________ / _______ / ________ heart (1 Chron 28:9; 29:19; Ps 86:11) (2 Chron 25:2; Eze 11:19; Jas 4:8). Your __________ heart will be the ________ in your armor, the _____ in your boat, the ____ in the perfume that allows the devil to come in and _______ your ____________ flaw.
Reason for God's Destruction of Judah (Isaiah 5:8-25)
"So people will be brought low and everyone humbled, the eyes of the arrogant humbled. 16 But the Lord Almighty will be exalted by his justice, and the holy God will be proved holy by his righteous acts" (Isa 5:15-16, NIV).
A Proud Man/Church vs. a Humble Man/Church
The Proud Person / Church
The Humble Person / Church
| |
It's all about ___.
It's all about _____ and ________.
Get's joy from promoting ______.
Gets joy from promoting _________.
Gets ______ and ____________ when confronted.
Is ________ and ___________ when confronted.
Loves to _______ / _________.
Loves to _________ / ________.
_______ about what they know.
_______ about what they don't know.
_______ others.
Takes _____________.
Compares self to ________.
Compares self to ______.
"Lord, change _______."
"Lord, change _____."
_______ ___ sin.
________ ____________ sin.
Concerned with _______ / ______________.
Concerned with _______ / ____________.
What More Could God Have Done (Isaiah 5:1-7)
"I will sing for the one I love a song about his vineyard: My loved one had a vineyard on a fertile hillside." "What more could have been done for my vineyard than I have done for it? When I looked for good grapes, why did it yield only bad?" (Isa 5:1, 4, 7).
- The Song (1-7): Love and grace.
- The Woes (8-25): Laments of sorrow.
- The Judgment (26-30): Defeat and darkness.
The Heart of the Matter (What does God really want?) [An overview of Kings and Chronicles]
God's Glorious Holy Kingdom (Isaiah 4:2-6)
Negative (+)
Positive (-)
Outline of 2:1-4:6
- The Ideal: Our Glorious Future Hope (2:1-5).
- The Actual: Our Dark Present Reality (2:6-4:1).
- The New: Our Glorious Future Hope (4:2-6).