
What Does God Require Of You? (Dt 10:12-22)

Dt 10:12-11:32 resembles Dt 4:1-40 (similar structure, vocabulary and application following history), moving on to the practical implication and outworking of Dt 9:7-10:11, and which resonates with language from chap.5-7. It builds up to a grand climax, completing the first part of Deuteronomy like a grand theological symphony, with Dt 10:12 resembling Dt 4:1 after the first recital of Israel's history in chap. 1-3.

Dt 10:12-22 are a reinstatement and filling out of the Shema (Dt 6:4-5), to enable Israel to begin again after the golden calf episode (Dt 9:7-10:11). They are a stiff-necked people (Dt 9:13). Thus, the central command of Dt 10:12-22 is Dt 10:16: "Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do not be stiff-necked any longer."

In Dt 10:12-13, the Lord asks for five things which are frequently addressed throughout Deuteronomy:
  1. Fear God (reverence [Dt 4:10; 5:29]).
  2. Walk in "all his ways" (ESV, HCSB, NKJV) (Dt 5:33; 10:12; 11:22; 19:9; 26:17; 28:9; 30:16), in contrast to turning aside from the way (Dt 2:27; 5:32-33; 11:16, 28; 17:11, 17; 28:14), which is especially illustrated in the golden calf incident (Dt 9:12, 16).
  3. Love God, illustrating the importance of the Shema (Dt 6:4-5) with its anchor in God's election and choice of Israel, to which Israel must respond in kind. Israel was to love God because God first loved her (Dt 10:15-16; cf. Dt 30:6).
  4. Serve God with "all your heart and with all your soul," using language in Dt 6:5 for some attitude other than love.
  5. Keeping (obeying) God's commands is for their own good (Dt 10:13), indicating that the law was not a burden to be borne, but was Israel's life in all its fullness (Dt 32:47).

Basic to all obedience is fear (reverence) of God (Dt 5:29) and love of God (Dt 6:4-5).

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