
A new president

By the sovereign will of God, we now have the 44th president of the U.S. Just a few thoughts as to what this might mean.

Revelation 1:5 says that Jesus is "the ruler of the kings of the earth."

In a sermon, John Piper explains that this means the following: 

1.      He (Jesus) controls who becomes a king and who doesn't.

2.      He regulates what the kings of earth do, sometimes holding them back from evil and sometimes ordering international events to further his purposes.

3.      He has authority to claim citizens for his own kingdom from all the nations and states of the earth.

4.      He will triumph and bring all his saving purposes to victory.

5.      Christ is ordering the world for the good of the church.

Thank and praise God that God is always the Ruler who is ruling for our good and for his glory.


  1. we really need to pray for obama. he has the most difficult job in the world. he has to face many goliaths.

    i am also thankful for this election because of its historical significance. 45 years ago blacks could not share the same room with whites. now dr. martin luther king's dream has come true. this also testifies that america is a truly christian nation. a nation that struggles to do what is right. good is good.

  2. If you are a Christian, might you be concerned about the possible "trampling/removal/elimination of Christian values," such as on abortion on demand and gay rights?

  3. ya, that it the ugly side of the coin of this election. i'm very much concern. Perhaps it is God's way to wake up christians! there is a season for everything!
