
My 5 Rules to Not Gain Weight

You Need Rules to be Free. We like freedom: You are free to do whatever you want. And so we don't like rules: Do this, don't do that. But freedom without any rules will lead to a loss of freedom.

As a foodie I love to eat whatever and whenever I want. But I WILL and have gained weight, which I hate, and which is then very hard to lose. So...

My rules to be free to enjoy my food and not gain weight are:
  1. No breakfast. Only black coffee.
  2. No sugar and no carbs [No (little) rice, potatoes, pasta, pizza, pop, ice cream, doughnuts, etc]. I break this rule maybe once a week!
  3. Intermittent fasting for 12-16 hours every day. No calories after dinner the night before to lunch the next day [for eg. 8 pm to noon -- 16 hours].
  4. "Enjoy" hungry feelings. I really don't have to eat just because I feel hungry, which happens every single day!
  5. Weigh myself daily. Don't go over 160 lbs. I would prefer 150 lbs but that is too hard if not impossible.
  6. [Not recommended but it works for me on occasion.] A shot of bourbon--which has no carbs--to delay lunch for a few hours.
I don't keep these rules rigidly but I am always conscious of them when I break them, so as to make up for them.


Deceptions in Genesis

Genesis contains story after story of deception. If this book of the Bible were not named Genesis, it might well be named "Deception."
  • [The serpent deceived Adam and Eve.]
  • Abraham deceived Pharaoh.
  • Abraham deceived Abimelech.
  • Jacob and Rebecca deceived Isaac.
  • Laban and Leah deceived Jacob.
  • Rachel deceived Laban.
  • Simeon and Levi deceived the Shechemites.
  • Joseph's brothers deceived Jacob.
  • Er deceived Tamar.
  • Onan deceived Tamar and Judah.
  • Judah deceived Tamar.
  • Tamar deceived Judah.
  • Potiphar's wife deceived Potiphar.
  • Joseph deceived his brothers.
Reference: Dennis Prager. The Rational Bible. Genesis. God, Creation, and Destruction. 2019.