You Need Rules to be Free. We like freedom: You are free to do whatever you want. And so we don't like rules: Do this, don't do that. But freedom without any rules will lead to a loss of freedom.
As a foodie I love to eat whatever and whenever I want. But I WILL and have gained weight, which I hate, and which is then very hard to lose. So...
My rules to be free to enjoy my food and not gain weight are:
- No breakfast. Only black coffee.
- No sugar and no carbs [No (little) rice, potatoes, pasta, pizza, pop, ice cream, doughnuts, etc]. I break this rule maybe once a week!
- Intermittent fasting for 12-16 hours every day. No calories after dinner the night before to lunch the next day [for eg. 8 pm to noon -- 16 hours].
- "Enjoy" hungry feelings. I really don't have to eat just because I feel hungry, which happens every single day!
- Weigh myself daily. Don't go over 160 lbs. I would prefer 150 lbs but that is too hard if not impossible.
- [Not recommended but it works for me on occasion.] A shot of bourbon--which has no carbs--to delay lunch for a few hours.
I don't keep these rules rigidly but I am always conscious of them when I break them, so as to make up for them.